Our Mission: The people of Epiphany gather to nurture Christ within, in order to serve Christ in all.
Our Vision: IMAGINE a compassionate multi-generational Episcopal community whose members: worship God with joy and energy in a variety of styles; grow in knowledge and love of Christ by participating in many small groups, forums, classes and retreats; are responsive to the needs of our local, antaional and global neighbors; foster relationships for all through activites involving food, fellowship and fun; extend our personal and financial resources beyond our fellowship; and are so transformed by the Spirit that others are attracted and invited into our walk of faith.
Sunday Holy Eucharist 8:00am
Sunday Holy Eucharist with music and church school 10:00am
First and Third Wednesdays Holy Eucharist 2:00pm
First Wednesday Healing
Email: coemusic@frontier.com
Organization type: Church - Episcopal
Phone: (585) 247-4190
Website: www.epiphany-gatesny.org
Member since: 11/9/2011